Tuesday 26 June 2012

Well, that was...fun...

Well. Yesterday sucked. Nothing happened, really. The most exciting thing was finding out that if you buy Ryan Ross merch or CDs or whatever, you can win a trip to LA to SPEND A DAY WITH RYAN ROSS. And then for some reason I had an overwhelming urge to run into a wall. No idea why. Oh and then Tiffany and my other friend, Bella, had a debate/argument over who would win a game of gay chicken. If you don't know what gay chicken is, here you go. You're welcome.

Otherwise, the only other thing that happened is that I had a random Doctor Who related dream again last night. All I remember is that it was the 10th Doctor (who is, for the record, the best) with Martha (probably because they're currently rerunning series 3 on ABC2 right now), and I somehow saved the world and hugged the Doctor and then went into the TARDIS. That's the great thing about Doctor Who,  he could be real (not really, obviously, but you could imagine that he was) You could turn a corner one day and find the TARDIS there, which is just amazing and basically why I love it so much. And probably why I have so many dreams about it. Hm. But if I saw the TARDIS I swear I'd just sit outside it and wait for the Doctor to come along. Or maybe it would just be a police box, but at least I'd have tried.

Oh, and if anyone can give me a trip to London, I would greatly appreciate it because this.

Cries. Just cries.

So yeah. Uneventful.

xo Gabbi

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